Monday, July 9, 2012

Coming off Hydrocortisone

My doctors have been stepping me down off my hydrocortisone for several weeks. I'm now only taking 5mg twice a week. I've been getting slightly nauseous, but no headaches. The Endo said if I feel any symptoms at all to take some. I'm waiting to see how it does. It's a balance between taking enough not to crash your system, but not taking so much you aren't allowing your adrenal gland to wake up. If it keeps up this week, I'll go back to taking 5mg every other day and see if that makes it better. At the very least, I can't take it for two days before my testing in a couple of weeks. I also have to keep an eye on my weight. If it starts dropping I have to take more (if I weren't afraid of dying I'd let this one slide for about 20 lbs).

I really don't have time for all this testing. It's the week of my finals and all my projects are due on top of that.  I'm going to be studying and finishing projects the whole time I'm in JAX. Someone didn't think that through well :)

I'm also stressed about classes next semester. The university informed me my probation status will not be removed until the end of this semester. Too late to register for my next classes. I can't apply as a Web Learner until I am off probation. I don't get first priority to register for the online classes unless I'm a Web Learner. UGH! I need FOUR classes to be done with my lower division requirements before I can apply to the Business School for my upper division. So I can either wait until next semester once I'm off probation to register early for Spring and get all my classes, or I can take whatever I can get into this semester AND if it isn't all four of the classes I need, have to take the remainder of those classes in the Spring before I can apply to the Business School (unless they will allow me an override for the 3000 level classes prior to applying). I'm going to try and see what I can get into. I just don't want to wait, but also don't want to pay tuition for not a full load. Then again, am I capable of taking a full load while working?? I don't know. Tuition keeps going up and I'm not sure how I'm going to pay for it. I don't think my funding source was planning on it costing so much. {Head banging desk}