Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Great Video

I have been watching these videos from an EDS conference. This is a spine surgeon. He is talking about C1 C2 instability in EDS patients. This is great because he ties in kyphosis and all my symptoms of headache and dizziness. I've discovered in the last two weeks I am dizzy when I turn my head to the left! That's why I noticed it driving because I would check my blind spot!!! 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Heading to Mayo JAX

To start, I had another minor crash today. I woke up around 7 am with severe stomach cramps. This kept me up until I started having the extreme fatigue around 10am. We had planned on going to church then heading to Florida. Instead, I took extra hydrocortisone and went to bed. I slept until 1 and then got up and packed the car.

I'm having to have all the testing repeated at Mayo. Not sure why other than he wants to appear to be doing something since I wrote that email, or he wants to see if anything has changed in 4 months. I'm reading up on the QSART now. It is an autonomic test to test the nerves and sweat output. I find it interesting, though. The test comes back abnormal if you don't sweat. Well, I had told him I was sweating waaaaay more than normal. Also, most people first present with burning pain in their feet. I don't have that. At all. So why would he have recommended this test? And last time it came back normal. Is it just a test he knows how to order so he does?

I really think I have EDS and he's on the wrong track completely. I think THIS VIDEO makes a lot more sense for my case. I need to study it a lot more before I see my doc on the 19th. I know I'm going to have to plead my own case.